Saturday, November 12, 2005

LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling

"LightScribe enables you to create professional looking labels and burn them directly onto your CDs and DVDs. The best part, this is all done with the same drive you use to burn your music or data. You just burn your data, turn the disc, and burn the label."

I've known that drives come with lightscribe, in fact, I think my LG burner has it, but I never really knew what it did. I ran across this article on and it explains it all. This is a very cool technology. If it weren't for a few problems with it, it might just put Sharpie out of business (yes, I go through a lot of Sharpies every year). The two problems I can immediately think of are:
  1. You have to buy the specialized disks, which will most likely be very expensive. If it is HP that has them then you can expect to pay at least three times more than you do for the disks you buy now. In Western Canada, I can get 50 blank DVDs for $24.99 on sale. These disks might run anywhere up to $75 - $100. That's just too much.

  2. The image burned onto the top is supposed to last up to nine months under normal inside light. Nine months? That's just not worth the cost. Sharpie, maybe, won't be going out of business.

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