Thursday, November 10, 2005

Canadian ISP nolonger offering USENET

"Rogers has decided to stop offering access to USENET because of the low numbers of users and because they are committed to stop USENET as a transer medium for child pornography."

That's just not a good idea. What exactly does "low numbers" mean? 10% of all users? I use Usenet regularly and I've never run across problems with child porn. I suppose if a person really wanted to they could find some, but they could also find some on websites. Maybe Rogers should stop offering internet service as a way to curb the distribution of child porn. Idiots.
We have a tough time with the selection of ISPs in Canada, why make it more difficult for us? So instead of $34.95 a month with Usenet access, is Rogers going to drop their price to, say, $29.99 without it? I doubt it. So they're going to lose a bunch of users who need Usenet access to another ISP? Smart business move.

read more | digg story

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