Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Podcasting: All you need is a script, a PC, and a short list of gear

If you've ever wanted to get into Podcasting, I'd say this article is a good start. It shows you the steps to take to get there, what to do once you are there, and what to do when you're done.

businessweek.com article

A total misconception that a few people have said to me before is this --

There's no mystery about why podcasting is hot. The technology allows anyone to produce a radio-style program that an audience can find, download, and listen to anytime. Podcasts aren't just for iPods; they can be heard on any computer or portable audio player.

No, you don't need an iPod. I suppose the name Podcasting is a bit misleading, but it would be even stranger to call it something like 'personal portable audio amateur broadcasting', or 'PePo Au AmBer' for short. That just doesn't flow as nicely, does it?

So, what do you need to get started? Well, I like the idea of 'kits' that you can buy to get started, but I think you should try it out before you go and spend $150US on something you might not like very much. Do you have a headset mic? Write down some ideas on paper, your script, and then record yourself for 15 - 60 minutes. Was it easy? Probably not, so you might want to think about getting a partner and making your podcast a duo.

I find that of the Podcasts that I listen to, about 20, only 2 of them are a one person show. Those two would be Corby from The Twisted Pickle, and Tim Hensen from Distorted View. Each manages to pull off a one man show for completely different reasons. Tim's Distorted News (he was calling it News of the Weird until the copyright holder to that came after him) would work with two people, but Tim is such a caricature that he doesn't need anyone else. Corby, on the other hand, is equally as funny to those of us with a wife and kids, that his personal stories just wouldn't go over well if it came from more than just himself. So, after that long-winded thought, go ahead and decide if you're a solo artist, or part of a duet (or more).

That Podcasting topic was the only one not really covered in the Businessweek article. Read along as you set yourself up, get started, and then send me the RSS feed so that I can have a listen. I'm always looking for some good Podcasts to listen to.

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