Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dylan's poetry auctioned for $106,079AUS

Now, I know Bob Dylan's an icon of sorts. Brilliant to some, a genius to others, and even a rock god to those who can actually understand him, but $78,000US? C'mon! To those hippies too high to realize what was going on his music was revolutionary, but his iconic status in today's world? Possibly non-existant? I think so.

"A collection of poems written by legendary rock poet Bob Dylan as a student at the University of Minnesota in 1960..."

So he was even a freshman in college when he wrote these? I'm not up to speed on my 'best of' Bob Dylan trivia, so I can't actually claim to know, but was 1960 the year his work was at its most profound point?

I wrote some poems in my first year of University... Anyone want them? I'm selling them cheap, too! Only $77,999US.

Check out the original article here.

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