Friday, November 25, 2005

Misc - Bird Flu 101

digg story
"H5 influenza strains, H5N1 subtypes, high-pathogenic, low-pathogenic - it's getting so we all need biology degrees in order to digest the latest news reports about avian influenza. Let's start with a few basics about bird flu..."

I'd have to say that I know little, if anything, about the bird flu epidemic. One thing that I have heard, though, is that it's been around for years and years. Has it been killing people for years? Is it like Mad Cow Disease? Do we care about it? Should we care about it? Sure Mad Cow is horrible, but only because it drives the price of beef up and then I can't afford to eat steak any more. So does a pandemic like the Bird Flu affect the price of chicken? If so, I'm not happy about it. If not, then who cares?

A bunch of chickens are going to die. They were going to die anyway. I'll admit, I don't like the fact that a bunch of farmers are losing money because of it. And the two people that have died from it got the short end of the stick, but really... come on. There's bigger things to worry about if only a couple of people have died from it. Take, oh, for example, Cancer? Live strong, let the chickens die.

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