Friday, November 25, 2005

Man steals woman's just-bought Xbox at gunpoint

digg story

I've been avoiding posting about anything XBox 360ish because there's just so much of it out there. I've also avoided posting anything about the violence that's been going on by people desperate for one of these consoles.
Bought after a nine-hour wait and for nearly $600, the new Xbox 360 videogame system wasn't a steal for a Jonesboro, Ga., woman.

Now, I know that there is a shortage of Microsoft XBox 360s. And I know everybody on your block wants one. I also know that you're broke and you can't afford one. So, why not bust out your gun and shoot somebody for one? Or, if you failed to go buy a gun because you're that broke, then why not just beat the shit out of somebody for one, sell it, buy a gun with that money, and then go and get another XBox?

It all seems so logical, doesn't it? Bah! Morons. I work hard for my money. I can't afford a new console (even after my XBox died last weekend). But if I was going to get one, I sure as hell wouldn't give it up to you. Stupid punks. Guns aren't so much a problem here in Canada, but knives, fists, and everything else are. So the violence over a stupid gaming system rages throughout North America.

Microsoft, in all their mightiness, secretly decided that it would be a good idea to purposefully have a shortage. They can say it wasn't planned all they want, we all know the truth. You know what? You may be creating hype by doing this, but you're also getting people beat up and potentially killed. And then there are the people like me. If I happened to have an extra $600 and couldn't get one that day because of your stupidity, well I'd just go to the next store and get myself a shiny new video card and a new game. Seems to work out in the end, doesn't it?
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