Friday, December 09, 2005

To Neptune! Alice!

Here's something I could never understand.  Why spend all that money planning and taking trips to other planets?  What are we expecting to find there?  Signs of life from another time?  That's not likely, and even if it was, who cares.
A mission like the one being proposed could cost $3-4bn dollars and would probably need international partners.
BBC News is carrying this story on how researches are planning an eventual trip to Neptune.
"It would also take up the careers of the mission team," said Bernie Bienstock, a robotic systems project manger with aerospace company Boeing.   "It's probably like an 18-year mission but then there's all the lead time - another 10 years to do all the selling to Congress and Nasa, and do all the detailed engineering design.
So then, yeah, well worth it.  $4 billion and 18 years.  To find out that there's another big ball of rock floating in space 4.5 billion KM from here.  Science is sometimes totally under-rated.
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