Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Slice Me Up a Line

When people do stupid things, they really do stupid things.  This woman, thinking she was in for the big score, was about to kill four men over some cocaine.
Little did she know, but the block of cocaine was actually a block of cheese.
Jessica Sandy Booth, 18, was arrested over the weekend and remains in jail with bond set at $1 million on four charges of attempted murder and four counts of soliciting a murder.
Do you know how screwed this girl is? 
According to police, Booth was in the Memphis home of the four intended victims last week when she mistook a block of queso fresco cheese for cocaine — inspiring the idea to hire someone to break into the home, take the drugs, and kill the men.
If you're that hard up for a high, why not just grab some Pam or a little glue and start sniffing?  I hear gasoline will do the trick too.  I just don't get stupid people sometimes.  I suppose, though, that looking at that block of cheese she probably saw a lot of dollar signs in her head. Original article here.
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