Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Trickiness of the RIAA, Etc

I know we all know that the Recording industry is much smarter than we thought.
Lately, the industry has found a creative twist in this game: They're deliberately mislabeling CDs, giving their artists pseudonyms, and sometimes even fake song titles, to throw off those who might swipe a record from a desk or mailroom and spread it over the Web.
So they give out these promos to journalists, but they put sneaky names like Jack and the Bean Stalk on them, and no one can figure it out.  Why is it, then, that Madonna's last album was leaked onto the 'net a few weeks before its retail date?  What will they think of next?  Hey, I know, maybe they could mail CDs that are disguised as grilled cheese sandwiches.  When the hunger reviewer tries to eat it though, watch out!  You don't want to see a hungry journalist get tricked like that.

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