Sunday, December 11, 2005

Paris Hilton vs. SPCA

It's good to know that people realize Paris Hilton can't take care of that stupid mutt she drags around all day.
Paris Hilton is the world's worst dog owner, according to an online poll conducted by the magazines New York Dog and Hollywood Dog. "Our readers felt Ms. Hilton's dog-parenting skills left a lot to be desired," said joint editor Leslie Padgett. "First she loses Tinkerbell, then she ditches her dog for a cuter dog, then replaces that dog with a ferret, then a Kinkajou monkey, and then, I gather, a goat." The title of best dog owner went to Joss Stone, who narrowly edged out Ashley Olsen.
How anyone can subscribe to, and vote in a poll by, a magazine about dogs I'll never know, but this late breaking news is soothing, to say the least.  Why does Paris carry those dogs around anyway?  Does she like dogs or does she like the fact that millions of girls around the world are now carrying little runts around like a purse all because of her?  It's a tough job being famous for being famous.
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