Yay! Telus employees are going back to work. It's funny that I support them in their demands, yet I just couldn't support the teacher's strike.
It's not that I enjoy the hassles of having to deal with Telus when all of their people are out of the office, it's that they are the big evil corporation and the employees deserve what they were asking for. On the other hand, the teachers are providing a service, which if they don't show up for work, totally inconveniences me! Either way, I'm sure the Telus employees aren't getting everything they need or want, but still I'm glad to see them back. Now maybe I'll phone and upgrade to 2.5Mbit DSL.
TELUS announced early Saturday morning that the majority of the Telecommunications Workers Union (TWU) have voted to accept the second memorandum of agreement reached on November 6 between the Company and the TWU executive council and bargaining committee.
Canada.com article
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