Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Analyzing Google's Analytics Strategy

"The online giant's decision to make its Urchin Web Analytics software free could spell disaster for search-engine optimization companies"

Google Analytics helps you optimize your site for online advertising. Well, I don't know about that, but I do know it does some other things. It will show you where your traffic is coming from, who your traffic is, and what they cilck on while on your site. It's meant for companies who would like to know more about their users so that they can use their advertising to its fullest.

Well, I'm not a company, but I installed it anyway. I thought it might be neat to see what goes on for the few who do visit this site. Well, after going through the steps to make an account, install it, and get everything configured, I found out that Analytics doesn't work with Blogspot, which is funny since it's a Google company. I suppose I should clarify... it won't work for me.

I searched the web and the Analytics help for a reason why this is, and the only thing I can come up with is that some people think it's just so busy right now because it's newly free as of two days ago. I did notice, however, that two of the sites I could find that it wouldn't work for were in fact Blogger sites. The other three were not. Does this mean that the other three just couldn't figure out how to put the code after the <head> and <meta> tags but before the </head> tag? It just might be. I don't know. Maybe it's just that the software doesn't work at all. I'll let you know.

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