Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Next iTunes Phone Revealed

Engadget has a hands-on with the Moto SLVR L7. Looks like there'll finally be a decent-looking iTunes phone.

If you take a look at the link below, there is nothing spectacular about this gadget. The thing that piques my interest, though, is the all-in-one gadget idea, in general. I've read a lot of reports on this idea and people seem to have come to the concensus that it's just a bad idea overall. I, personally, would love to have a piece of hardware that would do everything I need. Phone, iPod, camera, PDA, auto-starter for car, keyless entry for house - all of that. The only thing about it is the need for upgrades when something bigger and better comes out. If the parts were somehow interchangable, it might be a useful device. The other issue, of course, is security (for things like keyless entry, etc). There are plenty of encryption algorithms out there that take years and years to crack and would make something like this safe to use.

read more | digg story

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