Saturday, August 13, 2005


I watched Stealth two nights ago... Yikes! I'm having mixed emotions about this movie. It's more than that really, though. One minute I think, "yeah, that was okay." The next it's all about how bad it was. I think though that it was the ending that ruined it for me. No, wait, I just thought of it; Josh Lucas' all of a sudden turn about half way through the movie... That was it. Stupid. Anyway, the movie itself was a good idea. In some sense. A plane that can fly itself with a brain of it's own, able to fly, take orders, attack........ wait....... Yeah, no, stupid idea, stupid movie, bad acting, unnecessary love story on the side (which I managed to fast forward through). Still enjoyed it, but mostly because of the superb special fx. :( --5/10

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