Tuesday, August 16, 2005

ipodimonium and Big White (part 2)

So yesterday was the first day of my stint at Big White. If it wasn't 4:20am I might elaborate a bit, but it is, so I won't. I will say that after 7 hours of being sixty feet in the air with no music (I'm still cursing the Sony NetMD for dieing) I did go a little crazy. Only 7 hours because I left in a terrible mood and headed straight for Future Shop and bought an iPod. After 4 hours of figuring out the thing (I usually read the manual, this doesn't really come with one), I finally have over 800 songs to listen to at work today. Smart playlists and all. I believe I still have 1 gig left on it too. If I can find a nice program that will batch convert MP3 -> AAC then I'll be able to fit more songs on, but until then 800 - 1000 will do :)


Jeremy said...

Man, you're the master of the impulse purchase.

Sweet toy! I'm waiting for the price to come down a bit more -- I've still got too much of that Mennonite cheapness floating around.

Jason said...

:D I couldn't wait. The price dropped about 2 months ago and I figured it would be a while until it happens again.