Sunday, June 26, 2005

Missy Elliot

So I download music. Wait, I download a lot of music. I give things a listen and then they're forgotten forever unless they're really good. If they are, then I'll go out and buy the album. The last System of a Down, Sum 41, Green Day, and Tegan and Sarah were by far worth the money. So I thought maybe I'd comment on the new Missy album -- The Cookbook. While I'm not a huge Missy fan, I did think her last album was quite innovative and interesting. Well, I tried to give this newest one a listen to today and I don't know if it was how my day was going or what, but I thought it was horrible. Coming from me this is going to sound weird... I thought the vulgurness was beyond appropriate. Now, those who know me and the music I listen to will surely know there may be a swear word or two going into my ears, but that wasn't it. It was the context of the words that really bothered me. Whatever. Anyway, not thrilled and I wouldn't buy it. If you do want to, it'll be out in stores on July 5th.

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