I watched Office Space: Collector's Edition the other day. I'm not too sure what to say about Office Space. It's just Office Space, you know? A classic is just a classic. It's funny to me that I call it a classic even though it was only made 6 years ago.

Each time I watch this movie there's something different I find hilarious about it... a new favourite part with each viewing. It's kind of nice in a way. The very first time I watched it the part that was funniest was the part that hit closest to home. In the beginning when the camera is on Michael Bolton and he's singing along to Tupac (it is Tupac, isn't it?) and the black guy walks by, so Michael lowers the volume and quickly locks his door. That was funny to me because I was listening to a lot of rap about then, so I could understand where he's coming from. :)
The second viewing I thought the best part was Milton and his mumbling. He's a hilarious character, unbelievable at times, yet we all probably know someone pretty close to his make up.
I don't remember exactly what my third-viewing favourite was, but I know that that time Milton drove me crazy and I wanted to hit him. I found it stupid and pointless. Well, subsequent viewings each had their best parts, and Milton didn't drive me crazy as much as he did that second time.
The last time I watched this movie, which was about 5 days ago or so, the best part had to be "The Bobs". It might just be that I am a huge John C. McGinley fan since he's been on Scrubs, or that it was actually funny the way the two Bobs went back and forth, talking about Michael Bolton, the real one, and their love for him. Funny stuff.
It must just be the mood that I'm in while watching this movie that makes me like a different certain part each time. One thing, though, that has remained constant through each viewing, is my dislike for Joanna. I don't know what it is, but I really can't stand Jennifer Aniston. Every movie that she does is terrible. The funny part about that is that I loved her in Friends as the character Rachel. She was funny, witty, and she played the role well. It might just be that I can't seperate her from that role. I'm probably expecting her to be that character no matter what I see her in. It's really too bad.
So, overall, I'd have to give this movie a --8.5/10. It would have scored higher if the role of Joanna had gone to someone else.
1 comment:
Yup, a total classic. I'm overdue for watching it again.
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