Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Longest Yard

Karen watched The Longest Yard with Rose and thought it was horrible. I was in bed at the time and finally got to it a day or two later. I don't know... It wasn't too bad. I haven't seen the original, maybe that helps. I think Karen saw Adam Sandler's name and instantly thought it should be a comedy. It really isn't. There are a few scenes which made me laugh, but overall it was just an interesting look at life in prison (through the eyes of Hollywood). What struck me was that I had already seen this movie. No, not this exact one, but a MUCH better version called Mean Machine. I didn't realize that Mean Machine was a remake of the original Longest Yard until yesterday. Watch if you're an Adam Sandler fan, if not, or even if you are, watch Mean Machine, it's overall presentation is better. --6.5/10

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